Wednesday, 12 August 2015

ICW: I'm A Lumberjack Match (And I'm OK) Report and Review

ICW kicked of their run at the Edinburgh Fringe festival on the 2nd August with I'm A Lumberjack Match (And I'm Okay) featuring the in ring returns of Davey Boy, Lou King Sharpe and Martin Kirby along side a devastating battle for supremacy between the N.A.K and Sumerian Death Squad. General Manager, Red Lightning, continued to run roughshod over ICW with the help of the 55 to ensure his vision for Fear and Loathing VIII remains in tact despite the best protestations of many members of the roster. In a typically entertaining show that marked the beginning to what will be an exciting four show run at the Edinburgh Fringe, ICW only whet the appetite of fans who can expect the return of ICW World Heavyweight Champion, Drew Galloway, ICW Tag Team Champions, Polo Promotions and the return of IRN JEW, American indie icon Colt Cabana and Grado, over the coming weeks.

Saqib Ali vs Davey Boy

Accompanied by his new manager Toal, Saqib Ali makes his way to the ring still yet to taste victory in an ICW ring. Tonight, Saqib Ali faces a man walking to the ring by himself after his Bucky Boy brethren, Stevie Boy, turned his back on the Bucky Boys a couple of months ago before joining the N.A.K. The Buckfast Barbarian, Davey Boy, arrives to the ring meaning business. Davey Boy, seemingly jettisoning his happy go lucky attitude of the Bucky Boys, gets things under way with two huge lariats followed by a snap suplex. Ali rolls to the outside closely followed by Davey Boy as the two men brawl around the ring. Ali gains the momentum after tossing Davey Boy into the steel steps, now back in the ring Ali stomps a mudhole in Davey Boy in the corner.

Ali heaps up to the top rope but Davey Boy delivers a dropkick sending Ali off balance. Davey Boy looks for the superplex but Ali manages to block the attempt before pushing Davey Boy to the mat. Toal hands Saqib Ali the magic carpet as he looks to channel his inner Aladdin- attempted double foot stomp assisted by the magic carpet misses Davey Boy, who rolls out of the way before delivering a spear to Ali. After dragging Ali to his feet, Davey Boy debuts a new F5- Stunner combination to pick up the victory.

After the match, Davey Boy pulls a piece of paper from his shorts to reveal a hit list with all the names of the N.A.K written on it. Chris Renfrew, Davey Boy states, I'm coming for you first.

Winner: Davey Boy

Kid Fite vs Joe Coffey

ICW's Ironman, Joe Coffey, once again is confronted by a faction he has had many previous runnings with. Just a week before I'm A Lumberjack (And I'm Okay) Joe Coffey defeated Sha Samuels of the 55 to maintain his impressive form after suffering a loss in the biggest match of his career against Drew Galloway at Barramania. As ever, Kid Fite arrives and he is not alone. The mastermind, James R Kennedy, and the muscle, Tim Wylie, of the 55 accompany Kid Fite to the ring.

The King of the Urban Jungle, Joe Coffey, begins the match with an arm drag take down before beginning work on Kid Fite's arm. A drop kick by Coffey grounds Kid Fite after he escaped from an arm lock- set on inflicting as much punishment as possible, Joe Coffey locks in the no mercy boston crab before James R Kennedy pulls Kid Fite to the safety of the ropes. Joe Coffey chases Kennedy around the ring but walks into a big clothesline from the 55's enforcer, Tim Wylie. Wylie rolls ICW's Ironman back in the ring as Kid Fite now has the advantage. Wylie strangles Joe Coffey with the second rope whilst Kid Fite distracts the referee- Kid Fite drives home his advantage with a snap suplex for a two count. Coffey, getting to his feet, lands a few forearms to successfully ground Kid fite- Coffey gives Fite the receipt for the head-butt  to the groin before Tim Wylie enters the ring, Coffey pulls the legs from underneath the 55's enforcer before picking him up to send him swinging into James R Kennedy, taking him out in the process.

Coffey sends Wylie and Kid Fite into the corner followed by two hog busters-Kite Fite wildly runs towards Coffey who delivers a powerslam. Fite taking advantage of a James R Kennedy distraction, sends Coffey to the outside before hitting a ddt in the centre of the ring. An attempted discuss lariat is ducked under by Kid Fite before lifting Joe Coffey to deliver the DOA brain buster but it barely makes an impression on ICW's Ironman, who delivers a german suplex as soon as he returns to his feet. Kid Fite and Joe Coffey trade blows in the centre of the ring before Coffey finally connects with a devastating discuss lariat to pick up the victory.

After suffering a loss in his biggest match of his career at Barramania, Joe Coffey has now won five in a row as he builds momentum towards his showdown with Rhyno.

Winner: Joe Coffey

Stevie Boy vs Lou King Sharpe

In the first appearance of any N.A.K members in the night, it was Stevie Boy to arrive first to address an issue that has been bugging him; despite being on the poster and merchandise for the Waynestock weekend he did not feature on either card. His anger has been further exacerbated by Grado's absence tonight as he was scheduled to face him. Whilst Stevie Boy's attention is directed at the crowd, Lou King Sharp, after being suspended by Red Lightning, appears on the top rope behind Stevie Boy. As Stevie Boy turns around he walks into a diving cross body sending him crashing to the mat.

Red Lightning makes his way out to the top of the stage. Red Lighting reminds fans that he fired Lou King Sharp for "being a dick" before changing his mind and allowing the match to take place. Stevie Boy takes advantage of the distraction to deliver a cheap shot from behind as Lou King Sharp rolls to the outside. Stevie Boy follows, driving the back of Lou King Sharp into the ring post. Stevie Boy rolls the flaccid body of Lou King Sharp back into the ring- Sharp gets to his feet before rebounding of the ropes only to be planted by a huge spinebuster followed by a snap suplex. Stevie Boy, firmly in control, begins the mechanical dismantling of Lou King Shape, working over the arm before psyching out the crowd- Stevie Boy decides he doesn't want to do his standing shooting star press just yet, instead he flips off the crowd. Again, Stevie Boy's preoccupation with irritating the crowd grants Lou King Sharp ample time to get to his feet. Sharp begins hulking up before delivering a spear into the corner followed by a lariat and two drop kicks- only 2.

Lou King Sharp heads up to the top rope looking to hit some of his famed aerial offence but Steve Boy returns to attempt to pull Sharp down from the rope- Sharp manages to send Stevie Boy face first into the mat before delivering a canadian destroyer variation from the top rope for another close pinfall attempt. Stevie Boy scrambles away and places himself in between the ropes before Lou King Sharp hits the 0141 (619) but the blow must have re-energised Stevie Boy as before Sharp has any chance to mount any more offence, Stevie Boy delivers a huge superkick followed by a ddt. Finally, Stevie Boy delivers a beautiful shooting star press- Sharp kicks out at 2. Revitalised by the support of the crowd, Sharp connects with a head scissor take down and holds on to make the pin attempt-only two once again. Stevie Boy, back to his feet, connects with an elbow before attempting the Glasgow Destroyer, reversed by Sharp- Stevie Boy connects with a low blow which is greeted by a chorus of boos. Stevie Boy lifts Sharp to his feet before delivering the very same F5 Stunner combination to pick up the victory in a very entertaining match and send a message to Davey Boy.

Winner: Stevie Boy

The lights go out- it's Mikey Whiplash, back from the dead! Just one week removed from a brutal affair with BT Gunn, Whiplash is back and he takes out Stevie Boy, sending him to the outside.

Wolfgang vs Mikey Whiplash

Mikey Whiplash's intensely personal battle with the N.A.K continues as this time he finds himself confronted with the unenviable task of having to overcome ICW's big game hunter, Wolfgang, fresh of a victory against Rhyno at Shug's Hoose Party II. Before the bell has chance to ring, Mikey Whiplash dives to the outside looking to take down Wolfgang, who has half his face painted in the style of Mikey Whiplash, but Wolfgang catches Whiplash before dropping him face first on the apron. Wolfgang and Whiplash brawl around the ring before Wolfgang drives Whilpash's head into the steel steps before rolling him back into the ring as the match officially starts.

Wolfgang immediately tosses Whiplash back to the outside before illustrating that the N.A.K are not about pandering to the crowd as Wolfgang decides against delivering his running swanton to the outside. Wolfgang's momentary engagement with the crowd allows Whiplash to regain his composure as he returns to the ring, Wolfgang sees this and attempts a powerbomb but Whiplash rolls through for a close fall- as soon as Whiplash returns to his feet Wolfgang pounces on him delivering stiff uppercuts that send him to the corner. Wolfgang, well in control of this match, holds up the N.A.K sign to the crowd before dropping elbows to the exposed midriff of Mikey Whiplash.

Wolfgang heads to the unfamiliar territory of the top rope but spends too much time talking trash to the crowd allowing Whipash ample time to return to his feet, land a few blows and deliver a superplex from the top rope. Wolfgang, wisely, rolls to the outside but Mikey Whiplash follows him and takes him down with three consecutive virgin suicide dives. Whiplash rolls Wolfgang back in the ring before rebounding off the ropes- Wolfgang hits the pop up powerbomb before locking in a submission hold in the centre of the ring. Whiplash desperately claws himself towards the ropes but Wolfgang pulls him back into the centre of the ring. Wolfgang, after having Whiplash in the hold for a considerable length of time, determines that Whiplash isn't going to tap so releases the hold. Wolfgang heads over to his jacket draped over the ring post  and pulls out a pair of brass knuckles, the same brass knuckles he used to defeat Rhyno just last week. Whiplash takes advantage of Wolfgang's turned back, lifting him up for the Zombie Maker but Wolfgang reverses and in the process momentarily incapacitates the referee. Wolfgang takes advantage by delivering a low blow to Whiplash before connecting with the brass knuckles to pick up the three count thus ensuring the N.A.K.'s dominance over Mikey Whiplash continues.

Winner: Wolfgang

Sha Samuels vs Joe Hendry

The East End Butcher, Sha Samuels, makes his way to the ring first flanked on either side by James R Kennedy and Tim Wylie. Next to the ring, a man with one of the best entrances in professional wrestling worldwide today, Joe Hendry. "I can feel Joe Hendry in the air" replaces the iconic lyrics of Phil Collins' 1981 hit "In The Air tonight" as the local hero returns to his home town of Edinburgh. Hendry asks for his music to be cut before explaining Sha Samuels has been busy working on a film and he is in possession of the trailer. An eruption of laughter echoed around the Cyanide Club as Joe Hendry demonstrated why he has one of the brightest futures in wrestling by once more combining his fierce satire with the traditional wrestling promo.

The fans chant "Mug" at Sha Samuels, visibly agitated by Hendry's lampoon, gets things started with a knee to the gut before Hendry reverses followed by a jumping knee. Hendry hoists Samuels in the air as the fans count to ten before Samuels is sent crashing to the mat by a vertical suplex. James R Kennedy provides a distraction allowing Samuels to dump Hendry over the top to the outside- Tim Wylie begins the beatdown before rolling Hendry back to the inside. The audience in attendance ensure Sha Samuels is aware he is "just a shit Danny Dyer"- a scathing criticism considering Danny Dyer's limited acting ability. The crowd have succeeding in getting in the head of Samuels, who looks for the Plunge in the Thames but is reversed as Hendry delivers the Freak of Nature fall away slam. Hendry looks to end things with a Trip Around the World but Samuels manages to wriggle free. Tim Wylie causes a distraction allows Sha Samuels to roll up Hendry from behind with a hand full of tights and assistance from the ropes to pick up the victory.

Sha Samuels decides he has not done with the local hero, stomping on him in the centre of the ring before DCT, the newly wed, rushes down the ramp, polo mallet in hand, to chase of the East End Butcher and make the save.

Winner: Sha Samuels

Sumerian Death Squad vs the N.A.K

In one of the most anticipated match ups of the night, the N.A.K's BT Gunn and Chris Renrew teamed up to take on Sumerian Death Squad, comprised of Michael Dante and Tommy End, both of whom have been on a serious roll as of late. Both teams have held tag team gold in ICW before and they meet up here to determine who will face Polo Promotions at ICW: Now for Something Completely Different on August 9th.

As both teams square off in the ring, a brawl immediately ensues. Renfrew and Tommy End take the action to the outside first before they are followed by BT Gunn and Michael Dante as the two teams brawl through the crowd. BT Gunn and Tommy End head upstairs trading blows each step of the way. A vicious roundhouse kick delivered by End ensures BT Gunn wont be involved in the action for a while as the Occult Hitman makes his way down the stairs. Chirs Renfrew, on the receiving end of a two on one beat down for a change, is saved by a BT Gunn diving from a near 20ft balcony to take out both Dante and End. Renfrew and Gunn drag End and Dante back through the crowd before rolling them back into the ring. A series of double team manoeuvres, culminating in a double super kick to End, by the N.A.K. allow them to gain the advantage as quick tags allow both members of the N.A.K to stay fresh. Tommy End's powerful strikes grant him some room to make a tag to Michael Dante, who delivers a devastating lariat followed by a face buster to take out both members of the N.A.K. A pouncing dropkick delivered to Michael Dante by Chris Renfrew allows the N.A.K to regain control.

Renfrew, with the assistance of BT Gunn, looks to end the match by delivering a T Virus piledriver to Tommy End...1...2... Michael Dante breaks up the count to keep the match alive. Stiff strikes from Dante allow him to execute a suplex followed by the Assassination, assisted by Tommy End...1...2... this time the pin attempt is broken up by BT Gunn. Tommy End and BT Gunn square off in the centre of the ring, BT Gunn delivers chops whilst End delivers his famous kicks. Dante delivers a venomous spear to Renfrew sending him reeling to the outside. Sumerian Death Squad deliver the Assassination again- but this time to BT Gunn...1...2... kick out by Gunn at the last possible second. Sumerian Death Squad, done playing around, deliver the Highman's Block Buster to Gunn to pick up the three count and crown themselves number one contenders to Polo Promotion's ICW Tag Team Championships.

Embarrassed by the first N.A.K defeat in a while, ICW's big game hunter, Wolfgang, rushes down to blind side both members of the Sumerian Death Squad. Mikey Whiplash comes sprinting down the ramp, kendo stick in hand, to help his fellow members of Legion. Whiplash swings wildly with the kendo stick ensuring every under handed tactic used, every multi man beat down, every distraction felt by Whiplash over the past few months is felt by Wolfgang too. Sumerian Death Squad find some duct tape and tie Renfrew and Gunn to the ropes. Tommy End informs the crowd BT Gunn's punishment is five strikes delivered by the kendo stick. Legion, composed of Whiplash, End and Dante, inflict retribution on the N.A.K for a the punishment they have delivered to Whiplash. Legion exit the ring united having made a huge statement  after asserting their dominance as the dominant faction in ICW.

How will the N.A.K respond? If history teaches us anything violent repercussions are heading towards each and every member of Legion.

Winner: Sumerian Death Squad

Noam Dar vs Martin Kirby

Out first, from a champagne supernova in the sky, Noam Dar makes his way to the ring to one of the biggestt ovations of the night for one of the best young wrestlers in the world. Tonight, the Jew-di master faces Martin Kirby, making his return to ICW after a couple of months absence. Accompanied by fellow members of the 55, Kirby asks Tim Wylie and James R Kennedy to leave such is his level of confidence. As the fans chant "no one likes you" at Kirby, Dar grabs a mic to remark on the irony of a baldy appearing at the fringe festival before stating the reason for Grado's absence is because of the 55. Dar proceeds to offer Kirby a challenge; if he is victorious over Kirby, the 55 must eave ICW. Much to the surprise of the fans in attendance, Kirby accepts Dar's offer.

Kirby gains the initial advantage after taking advantage of Tim Wylie's distraction, who has decided to stay ringside for this contest, with a neck breaker. Kirby rolls Dar to the outside as Wylie grabs Dar in a half nelson hold- Kirby swings a wild kick but Dar ducks out of the way and Kirby, instead, connects with Wylie. Kid Fite comes storming out as Noam Dar locks Kirby in the Champagne Super-Knee Bar in the centre of the ring before Tim Wylie, after recovering from the kick to the face, enters the ring to break the hold. Dar flies to the outside to sucessfully take down all members of the 55 before re-applying the Champagne Super-Knee Bar to Martin Kirby who taps in the centre of the ring! The 55 are disbanded!

Winner: Noam Dar

Members of the 55 swarm around Martin Kirby as Noam Dar celebrates in the crowd. Red Lighting's music hits as the fans make it perfectly clear how they feel about him. Red Lightning lambasts Dar, informing him that it is he that makes decisions around here and he has decided that the 55 are alive and well. Dar protests the decisions from the safety of the crowd but Red Lightning reverses the decision before claiming the real winner of the match is Martin Kirby.

Ferocious boos greet the General Manager's decision as the crowd chant "you tapped out" at Kirby. Red Lightning begins to explain that everyone knows, even if they are not willing to admit it, that if ICW are going to continue expanding they must have Drew Galloway as champion in order to do so. Red Lightning informs the fans they will not be seeing Galloway tonight as he has been given the night off. After a ringing endorsement by Red Lightning, Jack Jester makes his way to the ring to chants of "you sold out" after he shocked the wrestling world at Shug's Hoose Party II. Jester explains he did sell out.. Barrowlands, The Picturehouse and he is going to sell out the SECC. Jester, too, states the importance of Drew Galloway as the face of ICW. Red Lightning asks Damo to come out as he has a lumberjack match with Jack Jester. Red Lightning asks the 55 to lumberjack essentially turning the match into a six on one handicap match.

Jack Jester vs Damo- Lumberjack Match

A beautiful drop kick by the 300 pound plus Irish man pings Jester straight into the turnbuckle before Jester flees to the safety of the outside.The 55 provide the distraction as Jester attacks Damo from behind, kicking him to the outside for the 55 to deliver the beat down. After rolling him back to the ring, Jack Jester's shots make no impact on the Damo, who picks up Jester to deliver a powerslam in the centre of the ring. This time the 55 enter the ring to deliver the beat down but a devastating lariat delivered to Tim Wylie makes the members of the 55 think twice about getting in the ring with Damo as they flee to the outside. James R Kennedy tosses a steel chair to Jester allowing him to take advantage of Damo's preoccupation with the 55 with a couple of vicious blows to the back. Jester summons the 55 into the ring to take advantage to the sound of vociferous boos of those in attendance. After watching the 55 deliver the beat down, Jack Jester pulls the broken body of Damo to his feet before delivering a Future Shock ddt to the steel chair, an homage to the ICW World Heavyweight Champion, Drew Galloway, to pick up the victory.

Winner: Jack Jester

Jester swiftly exits through the crowd before the 55 enter the ring under the orders of Red Lightning to further humiliate Damo. Cheers echo around the building as Joe Hendry, Noam Dar, DCT and Joe Coffey come running out to make the save and stop the beat down sending the 55 fleeing with their collective tail between their legs. Angered and frustrated by Henry, Dar, DCT and Coffey's involvement, Red Lightning informs them that this is a disciplinary matter that will be dealt with next week before closing the show upon his demand.

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